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    About Us

    As a fashion platform that has been at the forefront since the emergence of social and digital marketing, we possess extensive knowledge and experience in identifying key talent. While numerous talents have gained recognition online, we believe that there is a significant lack of representation within the fashion industry.
    Many of these individuals possess not only influence but also a distinctive taste that is acknowledged among their peers, yet they often go unnoticed by brands and major publications

    Our mission is to change this narrative by becoming the first publication to shed light on these tastemakers. We aim to be the go-to platform for companies seeking fresh talent that may not have been on their radar before. By leveraging our vast expertise and established presence in the fashion realm, we aspire to provide a platform for these talented individuals to showcase their creativity and uniqueness.

    At our core, we believe in championing diversity and giving voice to the unsung talents that can shape the future of the fashion industry. Through our dedication to highlighting and promoting these hidden gems, we hope to create a more inclusive and vibrant fashion landscape where talent is celebrated regardless of their existing online presence. 



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